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Just wanted to thank you Lord for taking time out,

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Just wanted to thank you Lord for taking time out,

Of running the huge universe to hear my prayer today.

I know, however, you are never to busy to hear what I say.

You sometimes don’t answer immediately, sometimes delay.

Do you, like me, sometimes think, ‘what’s the use?'

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Do you, like me, sometimes think, ‘what’s the use?'

Seems everything wrong is passed by government abuse.

Executive leadership abuse is very prevalent now today.

It doesn’t seem to matter what the people have to say.

Newsflash: Satan and his helpers are alive and well.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Newsflash: Satan and his helpers are alive and well.

This is something many churches fail to tell.

Satan is having a field day, so to speak right now.

But this poem will tell you of his future and also how.

So many people today have lost all hope.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

So many people today have lost all hope.

That is one reason many turn to dope.

They don’t know which way to turn

Just for a little peace and happiness they yearn.

Israel will always be the apple of God's eye.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Israel will always be the apple of God's eye.

Nations will try to destroy it, many will will try.

But God is watching His land night and day,

And He will defeat all enemies no matter what they do or say.